Make A Difference
Volunteer your time and talent! Call or text Patti @ 445-225-9595 to give us your idea and we can make it happen! Be a SUPERHERO!
Share Your Talent!
Judy Tudy came to the club to do a magic show! The kids had a great time listening to her story and interacting with her magic tricks.... she even brought a special surprise at the end of her show! A special little bunny who popped out of a hat!
Watch them Smile!
Don brings his special furry friend Duncan, who loves the kids to read him books, give him a pet, lay with him and maybe even give him a treat now and then.
Share What You Love!
Mr. Gunby has been sharing his love for baseball and other recreational games with the students from Rising Stars! After homework, the kids flock to him to see what fun game he has to teach them today.
Other Ideas! Bring YOUR talent!
Denine taught them how to draw with a giraffe! Then she helped Tye Dye T-shirts! Fun Times! Now we have some future artists!
Miss Carol always has a new and fun craft to share with the kids. She challeges them to make something for every holiday, every season and the kids have so much fun doing it!